Duration: (3:44) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-19T10:37:15+00:00
August- Champs That Had Surprising Popularity/You Play from JHIN'S POV/ JHIN'S OG LORE in Bilgewater
Riot August on Old champs in the modern league
August-The RENGAR Problem/ The Complication of HIGH SKILL Champs (RIVEN, YASUO)/ INVIS CHAMPS
Viewer to August - \
August -Why Riot Balances Champs for LOW and HIGH ELO (ILLAOI, BRIAR, ZED)
August - Why Most NEWER Champs NORMALLY Max Q
Viewer to August \
6peksinged SINGED MONTAGE 2024 - \
Check out the first ever boxingscene today talk show with Robert Garcia, Paulie and Chris!
Noob Stompers: Why They Suck In High Elo But Are Overpowered In Low Elo | League of Legends
August-Why ZED is so FRUSTRATING/ Simple= Less Frustrating?/ Y is ZEDS Banrate LOW In Other Regions?
Atlantic Candlepin Singles Tour Class A Northern Conference vs Steve Poulin vs Aaron St. Cyr
佐々木朗希「チャンスが来た時の準備はできてる」非登録選手枠から異例の昇格へ!現地関係者も太鼓判「若手には重要な機会」【海外の反応 日本語翻訳】
August's SPICY TAKE: Role Select was NOT a Good Idea/Why ROLE SELECT \u0026 AUTOFILL Arent Going Anywhere
August - Why BRUISERS tend to seem DEGENERATE/ Should ASSASSINS be more Supportive?
August - Why DRAVEN Is One Of The MOST BANNED Champs
August - How RIOT Balances Ranked \u0026 Champs
August on DESIGN GOALS for CHAMPS/AGENTS in LoL \u0026 Valorant / Choices Between Unique Kits
August- What Makes or Breaks Champs in High Elo (YI, XIN, JANNA) /Small Time Editor Gets a Shot
August- \
August- When Champs Are Tied to Items/Ranked Classification Of Players /Why Tiers of Players Matter
August - Why Some Champs Have Multiple Roles (VI LUX BRIAR)
Throwback when Champs was just a little baby. August 2022. #cutecat #cat #catlover #adorable
August - Champs With Poor Thematic Fantasy (SWAIN)
August- BRIAR is MOST Mained Champ/ Why Champs aren't Changed for HIGH ELO(YUUMI, SHACO, YORICK,KAT)
August - Why Are SOME Champs Only Balanced for PROS