Duration: (1:56:49) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-19T19:50:03+00:00
【抗日電影】 八路軍長久攻不下的日軍碉堡,竟被兩個小夥巧用奇招,一舉攻下! ⚔️ 抗日 | 戰爭 | 神槍手 | 动作电影 Action/War film HD | 槍戰-歡迎訂閱
【動作電影】八路軍孤身闖進日軍基地,秒殺300個人日軍,毫發無傷!⚔️ 功夫 MMA | Kung Fu #抗日 #電影 #功夫
【動作電影】日軍追擊八路軍,怎料八路軍竟是功夫高手,一招秒殺100日軍。⚔️ 功夫 MMA | Kung Fu #抗日 #電影 #功夫
【抗日電影】嘎子哥冒充日軍,炸了軍火庫毀了實驗室,把日軍氣炸了。 #中國電影 #抗日電影 #抗日神劇 #抗戰電影 #中國功夫 #特種兵 #特工 #功夫 #槍戰 #諜戰
国军机要连被围,眼看就要全军覆没,谁成想这时八路军竟赶来支援 【周末影院】
冲锋号#求火 #抗日戰爭電視劇 #抗日英雄#朝鲜战争#中国#八路军
【Anti-Japanese Movie】Japanese Attack a Mountain but Are Defeated by Eighth Route Army's Strategy.
The Eighth Route Army annihilated a Japanese 10,000-man cavalry regiment using only machine guns!
[Gunslinger Movie] A top sniper aims at the moving Japanese,shooting the Japanese commander's head!
【Full Movie】Japs has a pregnant woman lead them, but hidden traps along the way leave them terrified
【Full Movie】Japs attack,but Eighth Route Army surprises them by climbing a cliff and wipes them out.
【Full Movie】Japanese firepower is too fierce, female Eighth Route soldier raids, wipes out Japanese.
電影!“天爐戰法”大獲全勝,3小時殲滅50000日軍 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu | Action
[Exciting Anti-Japanese Movie]A boy used a bow and arrow to annihilate 1,000 Japanese soldiers.
【Anti-Japanese Film】Japanese attack, Eighth Route sets an ambush, using tactics to annihilate them!
【狙擊手電影】性感狙擊手居高臨下,一槍爆頭日軍,嚇得日軍連退幾百公尺!2024🎈 國語4k 🎈 最新電影 #電影 #抗日 #狙擊手
The ammunition is exhausted, and eight hundred soldiers use their bodies to block the artillery fire
【经典战争电影】《铁道游击队/Railway Guerrilla》一部充满着传奇色彩的红色抗日经典影片 | 曹会渠 秦怡 冯喆 冯奇 仲星火 陈述【捷成华视华语影院】
八路军假扮日本士兵想混过关卡,不料敌人竟跑上来喊他长官#战争剧 #chinesedrama #功夫 #抗战 #枪战
The Japanese army intercepted the villagers, but unexpectedly the villagers were kung fu masters!
Anti-Japanese Movie! Japanese troops chase Eighth Route Army but are ambushed and wiped out!
【Classic Anti-Japanese Film】Jap Troops Ambush Chinese Army Weapons Factory, Meet Masters, Wiped Out!
[Sniper Movie]This is what a top female agent looks like!She infiltrates enemy lines,sniping them!
Chinese Army vs. Japanese Army. ⚔️ War Wolf #06
《#雪影追踪》/ To Capture A Mockingbird 抗日战争中走出硝烟的“间谍” ( 杨竣羽 / 大柳真一郎 / 姚岗)|new movie 2021|最新电影2021
日军的狙击手埋伏在山顶,却没料八路特工早就发现他的行踪,一刀刺掉他的眼睛#actionmovies #抗日剧 #chinesedrama #shorts