Duration: (10:29) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-11T19:31:24+00:00
Gentaro is in trouble when his dad shows up! Did Kintaro get angry? Date taken: July 20, 2022
Dad is Weird!Gentaro actively approaches Momotaro🌸パパが変だ!ゲンタロウは父モモタロウに近づく🌸【Gorilla ゴリラ】京都市動物園
モモタロウパパを威嚇する肝っ玉母さん💗Genki Mama threatens Momotaro Papa
怒らしちった!朝の父子で仲良しは何だったの?ゲンタロウ🌸Gentaro was angered and chased by Dad Momotaro【KyotoZoo京都市動物園】2022/2/14
離れないチビゴリラ。モモタロウとキンタロウはかけがえのない時間を一緒に過ごす🌸Momotaro and Kintaro spend a peaceful time 【京都市動物園】2022/3/8
Momotaro papa is the watchman? Kintaro playing with the keeper [Kyoto City Zoo]
ゲンタロウは父の母への求愛行動を邪魔した!★Gentaro interfered with Dad's courtship behavior toward Mom..KyotoZoo 京都市動物園】
Gentarou shrinks into a sword of Momotaro Daddy 💗 [Kyoto City Zoo]
Gorilla⭐️ Look at me mom ! Gentaro's jealousy of the baby and tries to get his mom's attention.
Gorilla⭐️Gentaro and Kintaro laugh happily when playing with Dad.【Momotaro family】
Gorilla⭐️Genki suddenly bitten by Momotaro! Two sons protect her.【Momotaro family】
Gorilla⭐️ Gentaro who likes his younger brother too much and sometimes kidnaps him.【Momotaro family】
Gorilla⭐️Someday Gentaro will need to leave his family, but now is not the time.【Momotaro family】
70 歳を過ぎた高齢者は健康のために何時に寝るべきか_ 医師の回答
ゲンキ母は怯えて泣き叫ぶキンタロウに駆け寄る 🌸Mum Genki rushes to Kintaro, who is scared and crying🌸【Gorilla ゴリラ】京都市動物園
モモタロウ怒る、ゲンキを助けるため遂に全力疾走!愛する妻の下へ駆けつける!【京都市動物園 2022/3/6公開】
Gorilla⭐️Angel's face. The moment Kintaro falls asleep in his mother's arms.【Momotaro family】
【Kyoto】Gorilla⭐️ Provocation ⁉︎ Gentaro punches into his dad's belly and runs away.
Gorilla Gentaro loots Kintaro 💗 Momotaro Papa guards [Kyoto City Zoo]
威厳のある顔つきで反抗期の息子を見るモモタロウ父さん Dad gorilla Momotaro shows a dignified face to Gentaro 2023.05.30 #ゴリラ
Gentaro starts to look like Dad Momotaro 🌸ゲンタロウが父モモタロウに似てきた🌸Gorilla ゴリラ/京都市動物園
こらぁ!父ゴリラは激怒したはる。長男ゲンタロウは父から逃げる🌸Dad gorilla is angry! Gentaro runs away from him🌸京都市動物園UP 2021/10/4
Gorilla Gentaro, Momotarou Papa to monitor near Kintaro 💗 [Kyoto City Zoo]
父モモタロウ、息子キンに激怒!妻ゲンキが怯えるほど激しくキンタロウ達を追いかけ回す!怒りの沸点が謎のボスニシゴリラ♪【京都市動物園 2022/10/13公開】
Gorilla Momotaro Daddy's punch cracks his sons 💗 [Kyoto City Zoo]
おいでパパ!キンタロウは大好きなボールよりも父との遊びを選んだ🌸Come Dad!Kintaro chose to play with Dad , rather than favorite ball
警戒!キンタロウを守る父ゴリラと母ゴリラ🌸 Warning❗️Dad and mum protect baby Kintaro as he's scared🌸【Gorilla ゴリラ 京都市動物園