Duration: (50:20) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-27T20:02:38+00:00
佛祖圖一出,如懿瞬間想出扳倒賤婢的計策,故意讓永琪露出破綻,引賤婢上鉤! #chinesedrama #霍建华#周迅
Ruyi reported to the emperor in advance, used the red circle to lure the bitch into taking the bait!
After Yongqi's death, Ruyi was deposed empress on spot, she was desperate and can't shed any tear
You lowly maid, you still claim to be unjust! Zhen Huan delivers a fatal blow
《如懿傳》精彩CUT 進忠公公看出櫻兒在宮中受盡欺負,提出自己可以幫櫻兒上位
[IND] Ruyi dengan berani menyarankan Zhen Huan untuk mematahkan gelar \
The prostitute humiliated Ruyi, Rong Pei stripped her naked and turned her into a nun!
🍬 【如懿断发名场面】最虐心戏码来袭!如懿断发休夫被扇巴掌,短短几句话,道不尽无尽的爱恨情仇!太解气了! EP81 😋 chinese drama
The ending! The last side of the emperor and queen!
🍬 【炩妃被背叛】春蝉把炩妃所有坏事说出,真相大白,皇上震怒扇炩妃,看的大快人心!爽! EP86 😋 chinese drama
The emperor forced the evil woman to drink poison!
The portrait can't be repaired! Emperor memories as RUYi, cry into tears!
《如懿傳》精彩CUT 皇上為五阿哥賜名永琪,並加封海蘭為瑜妃
《如懿傳》精彩CUT 永璂竟出幻覺,又是炩妃搞的鬼
【一秒失宠】皇上陪如懿庆生,如懿直言进谏惹怒皇上,气得调头就去宠幸了海兰,如懿好委屈!🍒Chinese Drama
Yongqi bluntly punished by the emperor, but accidentally get the queen mother favor!
《如懿傳》精彩CUT 貴妃知道如懿主僕都安然無恙,怒斥雙喜
The emperor abandon such as ruYi, empress Dowager intercede: you will regret!
《如懿傳》精彩CUT 永琪給皇上出主意,勸慰寒香見安心留在宮中